PHP Social Stream

Congratulations and thank you for choosing PHP Social Stream!

PHP Social Stream is the best choice for those who are looking for an easy way to combine all of their social networking activities into one single social stream and display on their website.

With this script you can create a stylish fascinating social media feed including multiple social media pages/groups/accounts with multiple feed options, and can display them in 8 different layouts including Wall, Grid, Carousel, Timeline, Rotating Feed, Sticky Rotating Feed, Ajax Tabbed Feed & Sticky Ajax Tabbed Feed. You can add as many as public Facebook pages, Twitter accounts or Instagram accounts managed by you or any other publisher.

It supports 13 and growing social networks and includes about 30 feed options.

Your visitors will be able to share your posts on their social accounts or reply, retweet or favorite the Twitter posts from your Social Stream. They can even filter your Social Stream by social networks or using a search phrase.

You can also change the style of your Social Stream using the theme manager and/or custom CSS stylesheets, and make it unique to your website.

PHP Social Stream

PHP Social Stream
Created By: Axent Media
Created On: 10 July 2015
Last Update: 22 February 2022
Version: 2.9.11

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning to PHP Social Stream script, please contact us via our page on CodeCanyon or via our website at

Note: We provide free installation and configuration for clients. After your purchase, simply contact our support desk and provide us your website information to get this service for free.


Installation of PHP Social Stream is straight forward and on average should take no longer than just a few minutes.

  1. Open and extract the PHP Social Stream zip compressed file which you have downloaded from CodeCanyon to a location on your computer.
  2. Find, extract and upload the contents of the file to the root or subfolder of your site where you'd like the script to be accessible.
  3. Automatic Setup:

    Run the configuration setup by browsing to the /social-stream/setup/ address where you have extracted the social-stream directory on your website.

    Manual Setup:

    You can also manually rename the social-stream/config-sample.php file to config.php and open it then, do the following required setup:

    SB_PATH => Path to script directory (non-relative).
    SB_LOCALE => Define your locale language - Available options are described in the config file - e.g de_DE.
    SB_NONCE_KEY => Replace this with a different unique phrases - This is for Ajax requests security.
    $GLOBALS['api'] => Important: Replace this with your API Credentials - Read this topic to find out more about API Credentials.

Now you have installed the PHP Social Stream script. Follow the Quick Start Guide process to create a sample Social Stream enabled page.


  • The script requires the PHP version 7.2.5 or higher.
  • This script requires both PHP's multibyte string extension AND iconv extension (enabled by default).
  • PHP's XML extension is required (enabled by default).
  • PHP's cURL extension is recommended (enabled by default)

Quick Start Guide

After installation, you would have to create your Social Stream. Here we will explain you that how to create different form of feeds with the default settings and your relevant social network IDs on your website.

Create a Wall

In this topic we create a combined social stream wall on our website.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Insert the following PHP code into the PHP document on your website where you want to display the Social Stream Wall.
  2. Change the settings for your own social networks by editing the network array. You can add/remove as many as networks you like in your Social Stream.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'wall',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                        'mashable' // Replace with your Twitter username
                    'twitter_images' => 'small',
                    'twitter_feeds' => 'retweets,replies'
                'tumblr' => array(
                    'tumblr_id_1' => array(
                        'ghostphotographs' // Replace with your Tumblr username
                'pinterest' => array(
                    'pinterest_id_1' => array(
                        '2013TopPins' // Replace with your Pinterest username
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'itemwidth' => 250,
            'results' => 30,
            'debuglog' => 0,
            'add_files' => true

Your social wall is ready now. Browse to your created PHP document on your website to view the created Social Stream Wall.
For more information about creating/customizing a Social Stream click here.

Multiple Feeds Wall Example

In this example we create a combined social stream wall with multiple hashtags and usernames.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Insert the following PHP code into the PHP document on your website where you want to display the Social Stream Wall.
  2. Change the settings for your own social networks by editing the network array. You can add/remove as many as networks you like in your Social Stream.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'wall',
            'network' => array(
                'twitter' => array(                
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                        'axentmedia' // Twitter username 1
                    'twitter_id_3' => array(
                        '#paris', // Twitter hashtag 1
                        '#media' // Twitter hashtag 2
                    'twitter_images' => 'small',
                    'twitter_feeds' => 'retweets,replies'
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239', // Facebook page ID 1
                        '80655071208' // Facebook page ID 2
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'instagram' => array(
                    'instagram_id_1' => array(
                      '7565569', // Your Instagram account ID
                      '4018952' // Other Instagram account ID
                    'instagram_id_2' => array(
                      'socialmedia', // Instagram hashtag 1
                      'selfie' // Instagram hashtag 2
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'itemwidth' => 250,
            'results' => 30,
            'debuglog' => 0,
            'add_files' => true

Create a Timeline

In this topic we create a combined social stream timeline on our website.
The process is the same as you did for the Social Wall instead you will replace the 'type' => 'timeline' in the code.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Insert the following PHP code into the PHP document on your website where you want to display the Social Stream Timeline.
  2. Change the settings for your own social networks by editing the network array. You can add/remove as many as networks you like in your Social Stream.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'timeline',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                        'mashable' // Replace with your Twitter username
                    'twitter_images' => 'small'
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'results' => 30,
            'debuglog' => 0

Your social timeline is ready now. Browse to your created PHP document on your website to view the created social stream timeline.
For more information about creating/customizing a Social Stream click here.

Create a Rotating Feed

In this topic we create a combined social stream rotating feed on our website.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Insert the following PHP code into the PHP document on your website where you want to display the Social Rotating Feed.
  2. Change the settings for your own social networks by editing the network array. You can add/remove as many as networks you like in your Social Stream.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'feed',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                    'twitter_images' => 'small'
                'instagram' => array(
                    'instagram_id_1' => array(
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'label' => 'On Social Media',
            'showheader' => 1,
            'width' => 280,
            'height' => 600,
            'results' => 30,
            'cache' => 360,
            'debuglog' => 0

Your social rotating feed is ready now. Browse to your created PHP document on your website to view the created social stream timeline.
For more information about creating/customizing a Social Stream click here.

Create a Sticky Rotating Feed

In this topic we create a sticky rotating feed on our website.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Follow the same steps 1 - 2 that you did for the Normal Rotating Feed in the last topic instead use the following PHP code.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'feed',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                    'twitter_images' => 'small'
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'label' => 'On Social Media', // Label for the block header
            'position' => 'sticky', // Important to make a floating block
            'location' => 'sb-bottom_left', // Location of the block
            'slide' => 1, // To enable slide in/out feature
            'autoclose' => 1, // To enable slide auto-close feature
            'showheader' => 1,
            'width' => 250,
            'height' => 400,
            'results' => 30,
            'cache' => 360,
            'debuglog' => 0

Your social sticky rotating feed is ready now.

Create an Ajax Tabbed Feed

In this topic we create an ajax tabbed feed on our website.

  1. Insert the following PHP code at the very beginning of your PHP document file on your website before outputting anything to the browser. (Important)
  2. Change the path to your PHP Social Stream main library file.
include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
  1. Follow the same steps 1 - 2 that you did for the Sticky Rotating Feed in the last topic instead use the following PHP code.
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'feed',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_1' => array(
                    'twitter_images' => 'small'
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'position' => 'normal', // Important to make a non-floating block
            'label' => 'On Social Media', // Label for the block header
            'tabable' => 1, // Important to make an ajax tabbed feed block
            'showheader' => 0,
            'width' => 250,
            'height' => 400,
            'results' => 30,
            'cache' => 360,
            'debuglog' => 0

Your social Ajax Tabbed Feed is ready now.

Social Stream Options

The PHP Social Stream by default, use a predefined settings for displaying.
To override these default options and customize your Social Stream, you can pass the relevant inline parameters in the social_stream() function as follows:

General Setting Parameters

These parameters can be used for all type of display modes.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
id '1' 1 - ∞ Unique ID
Unique ID for the social stream instance. Useful, when you want to have multiple instance of a social stream in the same page.
type 'wall' wall, feed, timeline

Type of social stream
Selecting one of 3 main displaying modes for your social stream is mandatory.

wall - Wall displaying mode
feed - Rotating Feed displaying mode
timeline - Timeline displaying mode
network Social Network IDs
An array of social stream network feed sources - Click here for more details.
theme 'sb-modern-light' sb-modern-light, sb-metro-dark, sb-modern2-light, sb-default-light, sb-flat-light, sb-modern-dark Stream Theme
Select a theme to style your Social Stream. You can have as many as custom themes you like in the config.php file.
layout_image imgexpand imgexpand, imgnormal Item image style
This will define, how to display the image for each item on the Social Wall.
layout_user userpic userpic, usernopic User info position
This will define, how to display the user info for each item on the Social Wall. Picture will be only displayed if exists!
results 30 0 - 100 Results Limit
Limiting the maximum number of results to display on social stream - Maximum 100.
Note: There is a restriction for number of feed output results on each social network. For example, if you enter 100 as "Results Limit", you will only get 50 items from YouTube in each request.
Facebook Group: 20, Tumblr: 50, Pinterest = 25, YouTube: 50, Vimeo: 20, Stumbleupon: 10, Deviantart: 60, RSS: 10 mostly.
words 40 Words Limit
Limiting the description words count to display for each item on social stream - Leave empty for no limit.
commentwords 20 Comment Words Limit
Limiting the comment words count to display for each item - Leave empty for no limit.
titles 15 Title Limit
Limiting the title words count to display for each item on social stream - Leave empty for no limit.
slicepoint 300 Slice Point
Limiting the description characters count to display for each slide on slide show - Leave empty for no limit.
readmore true true, false Read more
Link long blocks of text - If checked, the (…) character at the bottom of each feed item will be linked to the rest of the content.
order 'date' date, random Ordering
Select whether to order the results depending on date or randomly.
loadmore true true, false Load more
Load more social items (Next page) - If checked, a load more bar will appear at the bottom of the social network wall and loads more social items if clicked.
links true true, false Links
Open Links In New Window - If checked, all links will open in a new window else they will be open in the parent window.
nofollow true true, false Nofollow links
Add nofollow attribute on links - If checked, all links will have the status of nofollow.
https false true, false Use https
Load images over https - If checked, all links and images will be getting over https.
lazyload true true, false Images lazy loading
Enable lazy loading for images - If checked, images will load as visitors scroll down the screen instead of loading all images at once.
iframe 'media' media, slide, off

Lightbox content
This will define, how to display the social item information in lightbox window. If enabled, all media (images/videos) will be open in a lightbox window.

media - Only open media in a lightbox window.
slide - Open all items detailed information as slideshow.
off - Disabled
slideshow false false, true

Auto Slideshow
If true, will activate automatic slideshow on your social stream items.

iframe = 'slide' - Only if iframe is set to slide.
slideshowSpeed '30000' 0 -

Slideshow Speed
Sets the speed of the slideshow, in milliseconds.

iframe = 'slide' - Only if iframe is set to slide.
filters true true, false Filter networks
If checked, a navigation bar of all active network icons will appear at the bottom of the rotating feed or above the social network wall. These icons will allow the user to filter the social stream items.
default_filter '' '', facebook, twitter, tumblr, delicious, pinterest, flickr, instagram, youtube, vimeo, stumbleupon, deviantart, rss, soundcloud, vk, vine Filtered by default
Which filtering button to be selected by default.
'' - Show All
filters_order 'facebook,twitter,tumblr,delicious,pinterest,flickr,instagram,youtube,vimeo,stumbleupon,deviantart,rss,soundcloud,vk,vine' Filter networks ordering - Enable/Disable networks buttons
Order of the filtering navigation bar that appear at the bottom of the rotating feed or above the social network wall. You can also enable/disable networks filtering buttons.
live false Stream Auto Update
If enabled, the social stream will get updated automatically without the need to refresh the page - If enabled, the "Cache Time" value will be ignored and considered as 0.
live_interval 1 Auto update interval
The time delay for updating the Social Streams (in minutes). Considering that there are some limits on social networks about the number of requests sent to their API, the minimum allowed value is 1.
cache 360 Cache Time
The time delay for caching of Social Streams (in minutes) - reduces up download time. 0 Zero value means no caching. Make sure the `cache` folder inside the script folder is writable by the server (depending on your web hosting server, permissions set to 755, 775, or 777).
crawl 10 Crawl per request
Number of feed crawls per each request. 0 Zero value means to crawl all at once. (depending on your web hosting server resources, some servers can not read a lot of feeds at the same time).
debuglog false true, false Debug Log
Enable/disable debuging log - If set to true, all script errors will be logged in a file named "log.txt" in script folder. Make sure the `log.txt` file inside the script folder is existed and writable by the server (depending on your web hosting server, permissions set to 644, 655, or 666).
display_ads true true, false Display Ads
Enable/disable displaying advertisements - If set to true, the ads (see Manage Ads section) will be displayed on your stream.
filtering_tabs Filtering Tabs
Allows you to define custom filtering buttons to filter your wall items using different search terms. See Custom Filtering section for more details and example.

Example Code:
The following code, creates a social network wall in Flat style, displaying the last 30 items of your feeds randomly.

include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'wall',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
            'theme' => 'sb-flat-light',
            'order' => 'random',
            'itemwidth' => 250,
            'results' => 30,
            'add_files' => true

Wall Display Parameters

These parameters can be used only for Wall display mode.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
transition 400 Transition Duration
Duration of the transition when items change position or appearance - in milliseconds - 0 means no transitions.
stagger Stagger
Staggers item transitions, so items transition incrementally after one another - in milliseconds - Leave empty to disable it.
originLeft true true, false Filter Direction
Let layout to start render from left to right or, right to left.
fixWidth false true, false Fixed Width
If enabled, the "Item Width" value will be applied to each wall item - Responsive Breakpoints will be ignored.
breakpoints array('5', '4', '4', '3', '2', '2', '1') Responsive Breakpoints
Defines the number of items (columns) shwoing on each row for different viewport sizes - Requires "Fixed Width" to be disabled.
itemwidth 230 Item Width
Width of feed item (px) - Do not leave empty!
gutterX 10 Gutter X
The horizon spacing between the column - Leave empty for auto value.
gutterY 10 Gutter Y
The vertical spacing between the row - Leave empty for auto value.
filter_search true true, false Search Filtering
If enabled, a search box will appear above the social network wall allowing the user to filter the social stream items using a search phrase.
wall_relayout '' '', imgload Re-layout wall based on
If "Page scroll" is enabled, the wall gaps will get filled when the visitor scroll the page but, if "Images load" is enabled, the wall gaps will get filled when a new image on the wall is loaded.
'' - Page scroll

Example Code:
The following code, creates a social network wall in Modern style, rendering from right to left without animation.

include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'wall',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'filter_direction' => true,
            'animate' => false,
            'itemwidth' => 250,
            'results' => 30,
            'add_files' => true

Rotating Feed Display Parameters

These parameters can be used only for rotating feed display mode.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
rotate_speed 100 Animation Speed
Defines the animation speed (in ms) of the rows moving up or down.
duration 4000 Animation Duration
Defines the times (in ms) before the rows automatically move.
direction 'up' up, down Animation Direction
Sets the direction of rotating feed movement to either "up" or "down".
controls true true, false Controls
Stop/start rotating - If checked, a feed control bar will appear at the bottom of the rotating feed allowing user to stop/start the rotating feed or go to next/previous item.
autostart 1 1, 0 Auto Start rotating
Enable/disable auto start on load.
pauseonhover 1 1, 0 Pause On Mouse Hover
Enable/disable pause when mouse hovers the rotating feed element.
width 250 Block Width
Width of feed block (px) - Leave empty for full width.
height 400 Height
Height of widget (px) - Leave empty for no height.

Example Code:
The following code, creates a social network feed in Default style, moving from up to down that do not automatically start rotating on load.

include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'feed',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                        '624290390999239' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
                    'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
            'theme' => 'sb-default-light',
            'autostart' => 0,
            'direction' => 'down',
            'itemwidth' => 250,
            'add_files' => true

Carousel Display Parameters

These parameters can be used only for carousel display mode.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
cs_speed 400 Animation Speed
Defines the animation speed (in ms) of the rows moving left or right.
cs_pause 2000 Transition Speed
The time (in ms) between each auto transition.
autoWidth false true, false Auto Width
If enabled, the "Item Width" value of the General Setting will be applied to each slide - Number of items will be ignored.
cs_item array('4', '3', '2', '2', '1') Number of items
Defines the number of items shwoing in each slide for different viewport sizes - Requires Auto Width to be OFF.
cs_width 250 Slide Width
Width of slide item (px) - Do not leave empty!
cs_rtl false true, false Animation Direction
Sets the direction of carousel feed movement to either "right" or "left".
cs_controls true true, false Controls
Prev/next buttons - If checked, prev/next buttons will be displayed.
cs_auto false true, false Auto Start
If checked, the Slider will automatically start to play.
cs_loop true true, false Loop slide
If checked, will enable the ability to loop back to the beginning of the slide when on the last element - Slide Move will be ignored.
cs_pager false true, false Enable pager
Enable/disable pager option.
slideMove 1 Slide Move
Number of slides to be moved at a time - Requires Loop slide to be OFF.
slideMargin 10 Slide Margin
Spacing between each slide.

Timeline Display Parameters

These parameters can be used only for Timeline display mode.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
onecolumn false true, false Display layout
To display timeline in one column or based on browser screen width.

Social Network Feed Options

In this section you will find the options that allow you to set up the social networks that you want to include in your Social Stream.

To add a specific social network feed to your Social Stream, you need to declare it using an option (ID, username, search term, etc) depending on type of the network.
Some social networks have multiple type of feeds available. You are required to use at least one of the options available for the social network feed to make it available in your Social Stream output.

Common Feed Options

Social Stream Item Output

The content blocks that you want to be included in each item on the Social Stream. Each social network may have different type of content blocks available.

title => Feed item title
thumb => Display thumbnail - if available
text => Feed item posted text
stat => Display stat block
comments => Display post/photo comments
likes => Display post/photo likes
user => Display user name
share => Include sharing links
info => Feed item icon & date
meta => Feed item meta data
tags => Feed item tags


Facebook requires a valid access token to provide the feed's data. Click here for more details.
Facebook provides 4 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
facebook_id_1 1. Facebook Page/user Feed
The feed of posts (including status updates, photos and links) on this page or personal account.
Enter the page/account Username or ID - e.g. envato or, 624290390999239.
facebook_pagefeed 'posts' posts, tagged, feed

Specific sets of posts
Get specific sets of posts for Facebook page feed.

posts => Show only the posts that were published by this page/account
tagged => Show the posts that this page was tagged in and the (posts to page)
feed => Show both
facebook_id_2 2. Facebook Group Feed
The feed of posts (including status updates), photos and links on this group.
Enter the group ID - e.g. 7091225894. You can find it in your Facebook group setting tab or obtain it from this website
facebook_id_3 3. Facebook Album/Page Photos
Shows all photos this page is tagged in.
Enter the page Username or ID - e.g. 182472465104731 to get all the albums photos or, the page Username or ID then "/" followed by the album ID - e.g. 182472465104731/947092091976094 to get a specific album of a page. Read this topic on how to find a Facebook album ID.
facebook_id_4 4. Facebook Page Videos
Shows all videos this page is tagged in.
Enter the page Username or ID - e.g. envato or, 80655071208.
facebook_id_6 6. Facebook User Feed
The feed of posts (including status updates), photos and links on this user timeline.
Enter the account Username or ID - e.g. zuck or, 100001533612613.
facebook_datetime_from Date Time From
Get posts in a certain date/time from Facebook feed.
Format: 'YYYY/MM/DD - e.g. '2015/07/10' or with time included '2015/07/10 4:30'
facebook_datetime_to Date Time To
Get posts in a certain date/time from Facebook feed.
Format: 'YYYY/MM/DD - e.g. '2015/07/30 0:00'
facebook_comments 3 Comments Count
Enter the number of comments to display for facebook album photos
Set to 0 to disable comments.
facebook_likes 5 Likes
Number of likes to display - set to 0 to disable likes.
facebook_image_width 300

Image width
Select the image width for Facebook gallery album posts. If the selected size was not available, a smaller size will be selected.

180 => Thumb - 180px
300 => Tiny - 300px
480 => Very Small - 480px
640 => Small - 640px
720 => Medium - 720px
800 => Large - 800px
960 => Larger - 960px
1280 => X-Large - 1280px
1600 => XX-Large - 1600px
facebook_video_width 720

Video width
Select the video width for Facebook video posts. If the selected size was not available, a smaller size will be selected.

facebook_output 'title,thumb,text,comments,likes,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, comments, likes, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.

To Get Your Facebook Page/Group ID:

Method 1:
You can find it in your Facebook page/group setting.

Method 2:
Obtain it from this website (Page or Group ID both). Or, from this website (Page ID only).

Method 3:
Type in the following URL in your web browser:
Replace “username” with the name of your Facebook page profile. It should churn out a result including your page ID.

To find a Facebook album ID:

Browse to your Facebook photos page and click on Albums - e.g.
Select an album - e.g.
The album ID is the first set of numbers - in the example above, the album ID would be - 676459932448951


Twitter requires authentication to provide the feed's data. Click here for more details.
Twitter provides 3 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
twitter_id_1 1. Twitter Username
Enter a Twitter username without "@" - e.g. username
twitter_id_2 2. Twitter List
To show a Twitter list enter the list ID - e.g. 123456
or enter the owner screen name, then "/" followed by the list slug "username/list_name" - e.g. mashable/social-media
twitter_id_3 3. Search Term/Hashtag
To search enter the search term - e.g. socialmedia or hashtag - e.g. #socialmedia

Twitter search API is also allowing you to add or remove keywords or users from a search. You can use hyphen - operator to exclude keywords you don't like to get. For example: #movie -scary
OR, to exclude some keywords from a specific Twitter account. For example: from:envato -Design
OR, to add some keywords to a specific Twitter account. For example: from:envato +Design +Web

Read Twitter API Search Tweets guide for more details on how to use keywords.

Note: Please consider that, search API can only grab the items that are posted in the last 7 - 9 days.

Since ID
Returns results with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID - e.g. 605472728351707136

This will help you to get posts in a certain ID range from Twitter feed. Read this topic on how to find a Tweet ID.
twitter_max_id Max ID
Returns results with an ID less than (that is, older than) or equal to the specified ID - e.g. 605472728351707186
twitter_images 'small' thumb, small, medium, large

Image width
Select the image width for Twitter images.

thumb => Thumb - 150px
small => Small - 340px
medium => Medium - 600px
large => Large - 1024px
twitter_feeds 'retweets,replies' retweets, replies

Feed Data
Feed data to be gathered and displayed.

retweets => Retweets - Include feed item retweets
replies => Replies - Include replies
twitter_embed false true, false

Embed links
If set to true, all shared links within your tweets will be converted to Embed iframes.

twitter_output 'thumb,text,user,share,info' thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
To Get Your Twitter Username:

Browse to your Twitter page - e.g.
The Twitter username is the last word in the URL - in the example above, that would be - axentmedia

How to find a specific tweet ID?

  1. Go to the Twitter home page at If you are already logged in, you will be redirected to your Twitter page. Otherwise, login to your twitter account, which will also take you to your Twitter page.
  2. In the list of all tweets, find the specific tweet for which you wish to grab the ID.

  1. There is a date/time stamp underneath each tweet as pictured above. Click that date/time stamp.
  2. This will take you to the page for the single tweet. The URL displayed at the top of your browser will look something like this:
  3. The tweet ID is the last set of numbers in the URL - in the example above, that would be - 605472728351707136


Instagram provides 3 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
instagram_id_1 1. Instagram User Feed

Get the most recent media published by an account.

Enter the Instagram account Username, e.g. axentmedia or User ID, e.g. 17841401237552411.

instagram_id_2 2. Instagram search tag
To search by tag enter the tag name (contiguous) - e.g. paris
instagram_images 'low_resolution' thumbnail, low_resolution, standard_resolution

Image width
Select the image width for Instagram images.

thumbnail => Thumbnail - 150px
low_resolution => Low Resolution - 306px
standard_resolution => Standard Resolution - 640px
instagram_comments 3 Comments
Number of comments to display - set to 0 to disable likes.
instagram_likes 5 Likes
Number of likes to display - set to 0 to disable likes.
instagram_output 'title,thumb,text,comments,likes,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, comments, likes, user, share, info, tags Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.


Tumblr provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
tumblr_id_1 1. Tumblr Username
Enter a Tumblr username - e.g. username
tumblr_thumb 250 75, 100, 250, 400, 500, 1280

Thumbnail Width
Select the width of the thumbnail image.

75 => Width: 75px
100 => Width: 100px
250 => Width: 250px
400 => Width: 400px
500 => Width: 500px
1280 => Width: 1280px
tumblr_video 250 250, 400, 500

Video Width
Width of inline video player.

250 => Width: 250px
400 => Width: 400px
500 => Width: 500px
tumblr_embed true true, false Embed video
If true, all videos will be displayed inline - (Embed/Direct Link To Tumblr).
tumblr_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
How to get a Tumblr username?

To get a Tumblr username, browse to your Tumblr blog page - e.g.
The Tumblr Username is the first word in the URL - in the example above, that would be - ghostphotographs


Delicious provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
delicious_id_1 Delicious username
Enter a Delicious username to get your bookmarks - e.g. username
delicious_output 'title,text,user,share,info' title, text, user, share, info, tags Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.


Pinterest provides 2 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
pinterest_id_1 1. Pinterest username
Enter a Pinterest username - e.g. username
pinterest_id_2 2. Pinterest board
To show a Pinterest board enter the username, then "/" followed by social stream name "username/board_name" - e.g. 2013TopPins/techology-trends
pinterest_image_width 237

Image width
Select the image width for Pinterest images.

237 => Thumb - 237px
736 => Large - 736px
pinterest_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
How to find a Pinterest username?

To get a Pinterest username, browse to your Pinterest page - e.g.
The Pinterest Username is the last word in the URL - in the example above, that would be - 2013TopPins

How to find a Pinterest board?

To show a Pinterest board enter the username, then "/" followed by social stream name.
Browse to a Pinterest board - e.g.
In the example above, you would select - 2013TopPins/techology-trends


Flickr provides 2 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
flickr_id_1 1. Flickr User ID
Enter a Flickr User ID - e.g. 46221135@N04 - You can obtain it from this website
flickr_id_2 2. Flickr Group ID
To use a flickr group enter the group ID - e.g. 34427465497@N01 - Use the same method mentioned above.
flickr_thumb 'm' s, q, t, m, n, z, c, b

Thumbnail Size
Size of thumbnail image.

s => small square 75x75
q => large square 150x150
t => tiny, 100 on longest side
m => thumbnail, 240 on longest side
n => small, 320 on longest side
z => medium 640, 640 on longest side
c => large 800, 800 on longest side
b => Extra large, 1024 on longest side
flickr_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info, tags Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
To get your Flickr User ID: To get a Flickr group ID:


Youtube provides 3 different feed options:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
youtube_id_1 1. YouTube username
Returns a list of videos uploaded by this user - Enter a YouTube username - e.g. username
youtube_id_2 2. YouTube playlist
Returns a collection of playlist items - Enter the unique ID of the playlist for which you want to retrieve playlist items - e.g. PLsBcifUwsKVXunQPoySupBM6QCcWliTKi
youtube_id_3 3. YouTube search term
Returns a collection of search results that match the search term query you specified - e.g. music
youtube_id_4 4. YouTube channel ID
Returns a list of videos uploaded by this channel - Enter a YouTube channel ID - e.g. UC1yP5nx6JNEBQI3ps2XFMpz
youtube_thumb 'medium' default, medium, high, standard, maxres

Thumbnail Size
Select YouTube image size.

default => Default - 120px × 90px
medium => Medium - 320px × 180px
high => High - 480px × 360px
standard => Standard - 640px × 480px
maxres => Max - 1280px × 720px
youtube_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
How to get a Youtube username?

To get a Youtube username, browse to the desired Youtube profile page - e.g:
The Youtube username is the last word in the URL - in the example above, that would be - envatopsd

How to get a Youtube playlist ID?

To get a Youtube playlist ID, on the desired Youtube profile page click on the Playlists tab, select and browse to a playlist - e.g:
The playlist ID is the last set of characters in the URL - in the example above, that would be - PLsBcifUwsKVXunQPoySupBM6QCcWliTKi


Vimeo provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
vimeo_id_1 1. Vimeo username
Enter a Vimeo username - e.g. abcdefg
vimeo_thumb 'medium' small, medium, large

Thumbnail Size
Size of thumbnail image.

small => Small - 100x75
medium => Medium - 200x150
large => Large - 640
vimeo_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
How to get a Vimeo username?

To get a Vimeo username, browse to the Vimeo profile - e.g:
Your Vimeo username is the last name in the Vimeo profile URL - in the example above, that would be - bvanpeski


Stumbleupon provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
stumbleupon_id_1 Stumbleupon username
Enter a Stumbleupon username - e.g. abcd
stumbleupon_feeds 'comments,likes' comments, likes

Feed Data
Feed data to be gathered.

comments => Comments - User comments
likes => Likes - User likes
stumbleupon_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
How to get a Stumbleupon username?

To get a Stumbleupon username, browse to the Stumbleupon profile - e.g:
The Stumbleupon username is the last set of characters in the URL - in the example above, that would be - mashable


Deviantart provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
deviantart_id_1 1. Deviantart username
Enter a Deviantart username - e.g. abcd
deviantart_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.

RSS Feed

RSS Feeds have 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
rss_id_1 1. RSS feed URL
Enter the RSS feed URL - e.g.
rss_text 0 0, 1

Text Info
Select Snippet for displaying a summary of the post or select Full Text to include any links or images in the feed.

0 => Snippet
1 => Full Text
rss_output 'title,thumb,text,user,share,info' title, thumb, text, user, tags, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.


SoundCloud requires an API Client ID to provide the feed's data. Click here for more details.
SoundCloud provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
soundcloud_id_1 SoundCloud User Tracks
The list of tracks of the user.
Enter the SoundCloud Username - e.g. mayerhawthorne
soundcloud_output 'title,text,thumb,user,share,info,meta' title, text, thumb, user, share, info, meta, tags Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.
SoundCloud User Tracks

The list of tracks of the user. Enter the SoundCloud Username - e.g. mayerhawthorne

To find your SoundCloud Username:

Browse to your SoundCloud page - e.g.
Your SoundCloud Username is the last set of characters in the URL - in the example above, that would be - axentmedia


VK provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
vk_id_1 VK Wall Domain
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall.
Enter the user or community short address - e.g. wphelpme or, ID of the user or community that owns the wall - e.g. id999999999.
vk_id_2 VK Wall Owner ID
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall.
Enter the ID of the user or community that owns the wall. By default, current user ID - e.g. 99999999 Use a negative value - to designate a community ID - e.g. -99999999.
vk_pagefeed 'all' owner, tagged, all

Filter to apply
Apply filter and get specific sets of posts from VK wall feed.

owner => Show only the posts by the wall owner
tagged => Show the posts by someone else
all => Show both posts by the wall owner and others
vk_image_width 604 75, 130, 604, 807, 1280, 2560

Image width
Select the image width for VK gallery album posts. If the selected size was not available, a smaller size will be selected.

75 => Thumb - 75px
130 => Small - 130px
604 => Medium - 604px
807 => Large - 807px
1280 => Larger - 1280px
2560 => X-Large - 2560px
vk_output 'thumb,text,stat,user,share,info' thumb, text, stat, user, share, info Social Stream Item Output
Read the Common Feed Options section for more details.


Vine provides 1 feed option:

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
vine_id_1 Vine User Timeline
Returns a list of user timeline updates.
Enter the Vine username or ID - e.g. 974522892907909120.

API Credentials

Some networks require authentication to provide feed data. From the script setup panel /social-stream/setup/, go to API Credentials Settings page and follow the steps for each network as below:

You can also, open the social-stream/config.php file and set the API Credentials for each network directly within the file.

// API Credentials
$GLOBALS['api'] = array(
  'facebook' => array(
    'facebook_accounts' => array(
      '{Facebook account id 1}' => array(
        'access_token' => '{Facebook user access token 1}',
        'pages' => array(
          '{Facebook page id 1}' => array(
            'access_token' => '{Facebook page access token 1}',
            'username' => '{Facebook page username 1}'
          '{Facebook page id 2}' => array(
            'access_token' => '{Facebook page access token 2}',
            'username' => '{Facebook page username 2}'
  'twitter' => array(
    'twitter_api_key' => 'Replace with your Twitter API Key',
    'twitter_api_secret' => 'Replace with your Twitter API Secret',
    'twitter_access_token' => 'Replace with your Twitter OAuth Access Token',
    'twitter_access_token_secret' => 'Replace with your Twitter OAuth Access Token Secret'
  'flickr' => array(
    'flickr_api_key' => 'Replace with your Flickr API Key'
  'tumblr' => array(
    'tumblr_api_key' => 'Replace with your Tumblr API Key'
  'soundcloud' => array(
    'soundcloud_client_id' => 'Replace with your SoundCloud Client ID'
  'vimeo' => array(
    'vimeo_access_token' => 'Replace with your Vimeo Access Token'

Facebook API Credentials

For the script to be able to retrieve your feed data from Facebook, you need to connect your Facebook accounts/pages to the script.
You will be able to get the feed from any Facebook accounts/pages you have listed under Authenticated Accounts section within the script.

To connect a Facebook account to the script, use one of the following methods:

Using our Facebook App:

Note: Please consider, you can only get the feed of Facebook Pages you have under management within the Facebook account you are authenticating our Facebook app with or, your Facebook account has a role in that Facebook Page. Check this article on how to manage roles for your Facebook Page.

In cases you want to get feed from your customers Facebook Pages, you can do any of these:
- You ask your customer to give you a role like Moderator in the Page(s) you want to get feed from and you do the connection process using your own Facebook account.
- Your customer will do the connection process directly using their own Facebook account.

  1. From script setup panel, go to API Credentials Settings and scroll to the Facebook section.
  2. Choose Use our App radio option from How to connect section.
  3. Click on Connect Facebook Page(s) button.
  4. You will need to login to your Facebook account and authorize our Facebook App.

  1. You need to select the pages you want to connect to the script.

  1. You will be redirected back to the API Credentials Settings page again with your Facebook account listed in Authenticated Accounts section.

  1. Scroll down to the page footer and click Save Changes.

Using your own Facebook App:

Note: Please consider, you can only get the feed of Facebook Pages you have under management within the Facebook account you are authenticating your Facebook app with or, your Facebook account has a role in that Facebook Page. Check this article on how to manage roles for your Facebook Page.
Note: Please also make sure your Facebook App is in Development mode.

In cases you want to get feed from your customers Facebook Pages, you can do any of these:
- You create the Facebook App, you ask your customer to give you a role like Moderator in the Page(s) you want to get feed from and finally you do the connection process.
- You create the Facebook App, you add your customer's Facebook account to your App as a Tester or Developer and ask your customer to do the connection process.
- Your customer will create the Facebook App and do the connection process as well.

  1. Login to your Facebook account and browse to the Facebook for Developers page.
  2. If you have not registered to become a Facebook developer, you should do that now by pressing the Get Started button on the page. It's a quick and easy process to get signed up.
    Check the following video or read the article on how to register for Facebook developer?
  1. Now you need to create a Facebook App. Check the following video or follow the steps below to create your Facebook App.
  1. Within the Apps page, click the, Create App button
  2. The Create an App page will be opened. Select None as an app type.

  1. Enter a custom name in the Display Name input, enter your email address as Contact Email and click Create App ID button.
  2. Your App is created. Now you need to setup and connect via your Facebook App. Continue with the steps below to create your Facebook App.
  1. Browse to your app dashboard page and make sure your Facebook App is in Development mode.
  2. Click on the Add Product link on the left side and in the Add a Product page, click the Set Up button right in the Facebook Login block.

  1. Select Web as the app platform, enter your Site URL and Save.
  2. On the left sidebar, from the Facebook Login section click on the Settings and scroll to the Client OAuth Settings section.

  1. Exactly add the following URL into the Valid OAuth Redirect URLs section and save the settings.

  1. From the left sidebar, click on the Settings > Basic.
  2. Copy the App ID and App Secret values from this page.

  1. From script setup panel, go to API Credentials Settings and scroll to the Facebook section.
  2. Choose Use your own App as "How to connect?" radio option.
  3. Paste the App ID and App Secret values in their appropriate places.
  4. Click on Connect Facebook Page(s) button.

  1. You will need to login to your Facebook account and authorize your Facebook App.

  1. You will be redirected back to the API Credentials page again with your Facebook account listed in Authenticated Accounts section.

  1. Scroll down to the page footer and click Save Changes..

Twitter API Credentials

Required For All Twitter Feeds.

Method 1 (Using our inbuilt App):

  1. From script setup panel, go to API Credentials Settings and scroll to the Twitter section.
  2. Click on Get my Access Token button.

  1. You will need to login to your Twitter account and authorize our Twitter App.
  2. You will be redirected back to this page again with Access Token field filled with your token.
  3. Scroll down to the page footer and click Save Changes.

Method 2 (Using your own App):

Attention: If you are going to use this method, you need to apply for a Twitter developer account and get approved.

  1. Browse to: and sign in with your Twitter Account.
  2. You will be redirected to your Twitter Application Management area. Then click on "Create New App" button.

  • To create Twitter applications and get access to the API you have to apply for a Twitter developer account.

  • If you are already granted for a Twitter developer access you will be prompted with the app creation form.

  1. Fill out the Name, Description & Website fields.
  2. Read the "Developer Agreement" and check the "Yes I agree" box.
  3. Click "Create Your Twitter Application" button.

After creating the Application, the Application Details page opens.

  1. Go to "Keys and Access Tokens" tab.
  2. Click on the "Generate Consumer Key and Secret" button.
  3. Click on the "Generate My Access Token and Token Secret" button.

Copy the API Key, API Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret values and paste into their respective fields in your Social Stream social-stream/config.php file and the script should now have access to your Twitter feed data.

Instagram API Credentials

For the script to be able to retrieve your feed data from Instagram, you need to connect your Instagram account(s) to the script.
You will be able to get the feed from any Instagram accounts you have listed under Authenticated Accounts section within the script.

To connect an Instagram account to the script, use one of the following methods:

Instagram Basic - Use our App:

  1. From the script admin panel, go to API Credentials Settings and scroll to the Instagram section.
  2. Choose Use our App radio option.
  3. Click on Connect Instagram Account(s) button.

  1. You will need to login to your Instagram account if required.
  2. Authorize our Instagram App and you will be redirected back to this page again with your Instagram account listed in Authenticated Accounts section.
  3. Following the steps above, you can connect as many as Instagram accounts you like to the script.

  1. Scroll down to the page footer and click Save Changes.

Instagram Basic - Use your own App:

Note: Please consider, you can only get the feed of Instagram accounts you have listed under the Instagram Testers section in your Facebook App and you can connect with them to the App.
In the following tutorial, we will show you how to create your Instagram App via Facebook and add your Instagram accounts into Instagram Testers section.

In cases you want to get feed from your customers Instagram accounts, you can do any of these:
- You create the Facebook App, you add your customer's Instagram account to your App as a Tester and ask your customer to do the connection process.
- Your customer will create the Facebook App and do the connection process as well.

  1. Login to your Facebook account and browse to the Facebook for Developers page.
  2. If you have not registered to become a Facebook developer, you should do that now by pressing the Get Started button on the page. It's a quick and easy process to get signed up.
    Check this video or read the article on how to register for Facebook developer?
  3. Now you need to create a Facebook App. Check this video or follow the steps below to create your Facebook App.
  4. Within the Apps page, click the, Create App button
  5. The Create an App page will be opened. Select None as an app type.

  1. Enter a custom name in the Display Name input, enter your email address as Contact Email and click Create App ID button.

  1. Your App is created. Now you need to setup and connect your Instagram account(s) via your Facebook App.
  1. Browse to your app dashboard page and make sure your Facebook App is in Development mode.
  2. Click on the Add Product link on the left side and in the Add a Product page, click the Set Up button right in the Instagram Basic Display block.
  3. On the next page opening, scroll down and click the Create New App button.

  1. Enter a name for your Instagram app and click the Create App button.
  2. Within the Basic Display page, scroll to the User Token Generator section and click Add or Remove Instagram Testers button.

  1. Within the Roles page, scroll to the Instagram Testers section and add any Instagram user you want to get its feed. The Instagram users should also accept your invitation from Settings > Apps and Websites > TESTER INVITES section in their Instagram mobile applications or via via Instagram website.

  1. Go back to the Basic Display page and scroll to the Client OAuth Settings section.
  2. Exactly add the following URL into the Valid OAuth Redirect URLs, Deauthorize Callback URL and Data Deletion Request URL sections and save the settings.

  1. On the same page scroll a little to top, and copy the App ID and App Secret values from this page.

  1. Browse to Social Stream script admin panel.
  2. Go to API Credentials Settings page and scroll to the Instagram section.
  3. Choose Use your own App as "How to connect?" radio option.
  4. Paste the App ID and App Secret values in their appropriate places.
  5. Click on Connect Instagram Account(s) button.

  1. You will need to login to your Instagram account and authorize your own Instagram App.
  2. You will be redirected back to the API Credentials page again with your Instagram account listed in Authenticated Accounts section.

  1. Scroll down to the page footer and click Save Changes.

Instagram Business - Using our App:

Note: Please consider, you can only get the feed of Instagram business accounts you have them connected to their corresponding Facebook Pages you have under management within the Facebook account you are authenticating our Facebook app with or, your Facebook account has a role in that corresponding Facebook Page.
Check this article on how to manage roles for your Facebook Page.
Learn more on how to connect your Facebook page to your Instagram business account.

In cases you want to get feed from your customers Instagram business accounts, you can do any of these:
- You ask your customer to give you a role like Moderator in the corresponding Facebook Page(s) you want to get feed from and you do the Instagram business account connection process.
- Your customer will directly do the Instagram business account connection process.

  1. Browse to Social Stream script admin panel.
  2. Go to API Credentials Settings page and scroll to the Instagram API Credentials » Instagram Business section.
  3. Choose Use our App as "How to connect?" radio option.
  4. Click on Connect Instagram Business Account(s) button.

  1. You will need to login to your Facebook account and authorize our Facebook App.

  1. You will be redirected back to the API Credentials page again with your Instagram Business Account(s) listed in Authenticated Accounts section.

Instagram Business - Using your own App:

Note: Please consider, you can only get the feed of Instagram business accounts you have them connected to their corresponding Facebook Pages you have under management within the Facebook account you are authenticating your Facebook app with or, your Facebook account has a role in that corresponding Facebook Page.
Check this article on how to manage roles for your Facebook Page.
Learn more on how to connect your Facebook page to your Instagram business account.

In cases you want to get feed from your customers Instagram business accounts, you can do any of these:
- You create the Facebook App, you ask your customer to give you a role like Moderator in the corresponding Facebook Page(s) you want to get feed from and finally you do the connection process.
- You create the Facebook App, you add your customer's Facebook account to your App as a Tester or Developer and ask your customer to do the connection process.
- Your customer will create the Facebook App and do the connection process as well.

  1. Follow the steps 1 - 7 from this topic to create a Facebook App.
  2. In the Client OAuth Settings section, exactly add the following URL into the Valid OAuth Redirect URLs section and save the settings.

  1. From the left sidebar, click on the Settings » Basic.
  2. Copy the App ID and App Secret values from this page.

  1. Browse to Social Stream script admin panel.
  2. Go to API Credentials Settings page and scroll to the Instagram API Credentials » Instagram Business section.
  3. Choose Use your own App as "How to connect?" radio option.
  4. Paste the App ID and App Secret values in their appropriate places.
  5. Click on Connect Instagram Account(s) button.

  1. You will need to login to your Facebook account and authorize your own Facebook App.

  1. You will be redirected back to the API Credentials page again with your Instagram Business Account(s) listed in Authenticated Accounts section.

Google API Credentials

To create and obtain your own Google API Key:

  • Browse to your: Google Developers Console and sign-in with your Google account.
  • A default project called "API Project" is created for you when you first login to the Developers Console. You can use that project, or create a new one by clicking the "Create Project" button at the top of the window.
  • Select one of the projects in the list - e.g. "API Project"

  • If you select the previously created "API Project" for the first time, a popup opens asking you to set a Project ID. Click OK and continue.
  • Click the blue bars button and select API Manager from the left sidebar.

  • Under Google APIs, search and click on "YouTube Data API v3".
  • Click the "Enable API" button on top of the "YouTube Data API v3" page to turn it on.

  • Click back and you will have "YouTube Data API v3" under API Library tab.

  • Click Credentials on the left sidebar, under Public API access, click "Create new key" button.
  • Copy your API KEY and paste into its respective field in your /social-stream/setup/ Social Stream setup panel > API Credentials Settings page or directly in social-stream/config.php file and the script should now have access to your Google feed data.

Tumblr API Credentials

To create and obtain your Tumblr API Key:
  • Browse to this page: You will be redirected to "Login" page if you are not login to your account.
  • Fill out the form as highlighted below and click on Register button to complete.

  • In the next page, you will be provided with an Oauth Consumer Key and Secret Key. Copy the "Oauth Consumer Key" string and paste into its respective field in /social-stream/setup/ Social Stream setup panel > API Credentials Settings page or directly in tumblr_api_key variable in your Social Stream config social-stream/config.php file.

Flickr API Credentials

To create and obtain your Flickr API Key:

  • In the next page, you will be provided with an API Key and Secret Key. Copy the "Key" string and paste into its respective field in /social-stream/setup/ Social Stream setup panel > API Credentials Settings page or directly in flickr_api_key variable in your Social Stream social-stream/config.php file.

SoundCloud API Credentials

To create and obtain your SoundCloud Client ID:
  1. Browse to this page: You will be redirected to "Sign in" page if you are not login to your account.
  2. Enter a name for your app - e.g. "Social Stream" and click Register.
  3. In the next page, copy the "Client ID" string and paste into its respective field in /social-stream/setup/ Social Stream setup panel > API Credentials Settings page or directly in soundcloud_client_id variable in your Social Stream social-stream/config.php file.

Vimeo API Credentials

To create and obtain your Vimeo Access Token:
  • Browse to this page: You will be redirected to "Sign in" page if you are not login to your account.
  • Fill out the form as highlighted below and click on "Create app" button to complete.

  • In the next page, scroll to the "Generate a new Acceess Token" section at the end of the page.
  • Make sure to uncheck the "Private" from the Scopes.
  • Click on the "Generate Token" button and copy the "Your new Access token" string and paste token into its respective field vimeo_access_token in your Social Stream social-stream/config.php file.

VK API Credentials

To create and obtain your VK Service Token:
  • Browse to this page: You will be redirected to "Sign in" page if you are not login to your account.
  • Enter a name for the App in the Title input as highlighted below and click on "Connect Application" button to complete.

  • On the next page, in App Settings tab, copy the "Service token" string and paste into "VK Service Token" text box in API Credentials section.

Manage Advertisements

To setup Ads, you should define your Ad items in $GLOBALS['ads'] array.
The following example is showing everything as well (You can find the complete example in wall-demo-1.php file located in your downloaded package):

$GLOBALS['ads'][X] variable

The X in $GLOBALS['ads'][X] variable defines the ID of the social stream you want to add the Ads to.

// Setup Ads
$GLOBALS['ads'][1] = array(
		'ad_position' => 3,
		'ad_type' => 'image',
		'ad_height' => null,
		'ad_border_size' => 1,
		'ad_border_color' => null,
		'ad_background_color' => null,
		'ad_text_align' => 'center',
		'ad_grid_size' => 'solo',
		'ad_text' => null,
		'ad_custom_code' => null,
		'ad_link_target' => 'blank',
		'ad_link' => '',
		'ad_image' => '',
		'ad_position' => 9,
		'ad_type' => 'image',
		'ad_border_size' => 1,
		'ad_text_align' => 'center',
		'ad_grid_size' => 'twofold',
		'ad_link_target' => 'blank',
		'ad_link' => '',
		'ad_image' => '',
	// And continue with more Ad items...

Ad Options

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
ad_position 0 - ∞ Ad Block Position
Define the numeric position of where you want to see the ad on your Social Stream.
ad_type text, code, image Type of Ad
Select the type of ad you would like to add as an advertisement block on your Social Stream.
ad_height Block Height
Define a height for the ad block - Leave empty for auto height.
ad_border_size Block Border Size
Define a border size for the ad block.
ad_border_color Block Border Color
Select a border color for the ad block if you require in RGB hex format - e.g. #d9d9d9.
ad_background_color Block Background Color
Select a background color for the ad block if you require in RGB hex format - e.g. #d9d9d9.
ad_grid_size solo solo, twofold, threefold Ad Grid Size
Defines the number of columns to fill for this ad block - Works for wall layout only!
ad_text Ad Text
Any text interted in this text area will automatically be added into the ad block.
ad_custom_code Custom Code
Any custom HTML/JS code included in this text area will automatically be inserted into the ad block.
ad_image Banner Image
Enter the direct url of the image file or click on the relevant "Select Image" button and an "Upload Image" window should now appear.
ad_link Banner Link
Enter the link you would like to be redirected to after clicking the banner image.
ad_link_target self blank, self Link Target
Select the target for the above banner link.

Custom Filtering

You can define custom filtering buttons to filter your wall items using different search terms. Here, you can find a working example of custom filtering wall.
The following example code is also showing everything as well (You can find the complete example in wall-custom-filtering.php file located in your downloaded package):

echo social_stream(
        'id' => '1',
        'type' => 'wall',
        'network' => array(
            'facebook' => array(
                'facebook_id_1' => array(
                'facebook_id_3' => array(
                'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
            'twitter' => array(
                'twitter_id_3' => array(
                'twitter_images' => 'small',
                'twitter_feeds' => ''
            'instagram' => array(
                'instagram_id_2' => array(
        'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
        'itemwidth' => 250,
        'results' => 30,
        'iframe' => 'media',
        'breakpoints' => array('4', '4', '3', '3', '2', '1', '1'),
        'filter_search' => true,
        'filters_order' => 'facebook,twitter,instagram,youtube,pinterest',
        'display_ads' => true,
        'debuglog' => 1,
        'cache' => 360,
        'add_files' => true,
        'fixWidth' => 'block',
        'filtering_tabs' => array(
        		'search_term' => 'fashion',
        		'tab_title' => 'Fashion'
        		'search_term' => 'illustration',
        		'tab_title' => 'Illustration'
        		'search_term' => 'maserati',
        		'tab_title' => 'Maserati'

Custom Filtering Options

Parameter Example Description
search_term fashion Search Term
Define a search term for the filter button.
tab_title Fashion Filter button title
Define a title (name) for the filter button.
filter_icon SB_PATH . 'public/img/fashion-icon.png' Filter button icon
Define an icon (image) for the filter button.

Manage Themes

To create/customize themes open the social-stream/config.php file and set your appropriate changes in $GLOBALS['themes'] array.

Creating a new Theme

Your theme can extend the currently existed script layouts or your custom layout. To create a theme, add a new unique item into $GLOBALS['themes'] array.

// Themes
$GLOBALS['themes'] = array(
    // Modern Light
    'sb-modern-light' => array( // <-- CSS Class Name
        'layout' => 'modern',
        'font_size' => '11',
        'social_colors' => array(
            'facebook' => '#305790',
            'twitter' => '#06d0fe',
            'google' => '#c04d2e',
            'tumblr' => '#2E4E65',
            'delicious' => '#2d6eae',
            'pinterest' => '#cb1218',
            'flickr' => '#ff0185',
            'instagram' => '#295477',
            'youtube' => '#b80000',
            'vimeo' => '#00a0dc',
            'stumbleupon' => '#ec4415',
            'deviantart' => '#495d51',
            'rss' => '#d78b2d',
            'soundcloud' => '#4c75a3',
            'vk' => '#ff3300',
            'linkedin' => '#1884BC',
            'vine' => '#39a97b'
        'type_icons' => '',
        'custom_css' => '',
        'wall' => array(
            'background_color' => '',
            'border_color' => '',
            'border_size' => 0,
            'background_image' => '',
            'font_color' => '#000000',
            'link_color' => '#305790',
            'item_background_color' => '#ffffff',
            'item_border_color' => '#e5e5e5',
            'item_border_size' => 1
        'timeline' => array(
            'background_color' => '',
            'border_color' => '',
            'border_size' => 0,
            'background_image' => '',
            'font_color' => '#000000',
            'link_color' => '#305790',
            'item_background_color' => '#ffffff',
            'item_border_color' => '#e5e5e5',
            'item_border_size' => 1
        'feed' => Array(
            'title_background_color' => '#dd3333',
            'title_color' => '#ffffff',
            'background_color' => '#f2f2f2',
            'border_color' => '#e5e5e5',
            'border_size' => 1,
            'background_image' => '',
            'font_color' => '#000000',
            'link_color' => '#305790',
            'item_background_color' => '#ffffff',
            'item_border_color' => '#e2e2e2',
            'item_border_size' => 1
        'feed_sticky' => Array(
            'title_background_color' => '#dd3333',
            'title_color' => '#FFFFFF',
            'opener_image' => '',
            'background_color' => '#f2f2f2',
            'border_color' => '#d6d6d6',
            'border_size' => 1,
            'background_image' => '',
            'font_color' => '#000000',
            'link_color' => '#305790',
            'item_background_color' => '#ffffff',
            'item_border_color' => '#e2e2e2',
            'item_border_size' => 1
        'feed_carousel' => Array(
            'title_background_color' => '#dd3333',
            'title_color' => '#ffffff',
            'background_color' => '#f2f2f2',
            'border_color' => '#e5e5e5',
            'border_size' => 1,
            'background_image' => '',
            'font_color' => '#000000',
            'link_color' => '#305790',
            'item_background_color' => '#ffffff',
            'item_border_color' => '#e2e2e2',
            'item_border_size' => 1
    // And continue with more theme items...

Create your own custom layout

  • Duplicate one of the .php layout files from ../social-stream/layout/ directory into the ../social-stream/custom-layouts/ directory, rename it to your own layout name - e.g. mylayout.php and do your required changes for your layout.
  • If your custom layout requires css customizing, create your custom stylesheet file and put in ../social-stream/custom-layouts/ directory and add its location into the custom_css variable within the $GLOBALS['themes'] array in social-stream/config.php file. e.g. 'custom_css' => 'mylayout/styles.css'.
  • Upload all your files on your website using an FTP client.
  • Your new layout will be available to be used as a new layout within $GLOBALS['themes'] array in social-stream/config.php file e.g. 'layout' => 'modern' and can be set as theme parameter within your social_stream() function. e.g. 'theme' => 'sb-mylayout'

// Themes
$GLOBALS['themes'] = array(
    // My custom layout extended from Modern layout
    'sb-mylayout' => array( // <-- CSS Class Name
        'layout' => 'modern mylayout',
        // ... the rest of array

General Theme Options

CSS Class Name

This is the name for the theme CSS class selector (without dot).
You will also use this name as theme parameter in social_stream() function to point to your desired theme.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
layout default, flat, modern, modern2, metro Social Stream Layout
The social stream layout is the main displaying structure of the output feed items. We have created 4 different built-in layouts for the social stream. You can create your own layout and put in the ../social-stream-layouts/ folder next to the ./social-stream/ folder, to use here. For more information on how to create your own custom layout click here.
font_size 0 - ∞ Font Size
In order to set a font size (in px) for the Social Stream. This is the base font size for all type of social streams.
social_colors Social Networks Color
You can change the background colors used for each social network. Enter network colors as an array in, RGB hex format - e.g. array('facebook' => '#305790', 'twitter' => '#06d0fe', ...). These colors apply to network icons, block footers or anywhere defined in layout files.
social_icons Social Networks Icons
You can change the icon used for each social network. To change the network icons, enter the direct URL of the icon files as an array - e.g. array('http://icon1', 'http://icon2', ...). Some layouts do not use image icons.
type_icons Post Type Icons
You can change the icon used for each post type. To change the type icons, enter the direct URL of the icon files as an array - e.g. array('http://icon1', 'http://icon2', ...).
custom_css Custom CSS
Custom CSS for styling the Social Stream can be entered into this text field. Any CSS rules included here, will automatically be inserted into the page.
As an example you can write your CSS code something like this:
.sboard.<class-name> .sb-item { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
Replace <class-name> with the "CSS Class Name" in the current theme.

Dedicated Theme Options

Each type of social stream (Wall, Timeline, Feed, Sticky Feed or Carousel Feed) has it's dedicated options in a separate tab.

Parameter Default Value Alternative Values Description
background_color Body Background Color
This color applies to your Social Stream background. Select the background color in RGB hex format - e.g. #f3f3f3.
border_color Body Border Color
Select the border color of the Social Stream in RGB hex format - e.g. #d9d9d9.
border_size Body Border Size
In order to set a border size (in px) for the Social Stream.
background_image Body Background Image
In order to set a background image for the Social Stream.
font_color Font Color
Select the font color for the feed item in RGB hex format - e.g. #000000.
link_color Link Color
The font color for the links in feed item. Add color in RGB hex format - e.g. #305790.
item_background_color Item Background Color
Select the background color for the feed item in RGB hex format.
item_border_color Item Border Color
Select the border color for the feed item in RGB hex format.
item_border_size Item Border Size
In order to set a border size (in px) for the feed item. - e.g. 1


Sometimes you may wanted to pin/stick an item on top of your created Social Stream or remove an item from the Social Stream. To do this, add the list of social update links as an array into the "pins" (for pinning) or "remove" (for removing) parameters in the social_stream() function.
Look at the following example to find out more:

include( './social-stream/social-stream.php' ); // Path to PHP Social Stream main file
echo social_stream(
            'id' => '1',
            'type' => 'wall',
            'network' => array(
                'facebook' => array(
                    'facebook_id_1' => array(
                'twitter' => array(
                    'twitter_id_3' => array(
                'soundcloud' => array(
                    'soundcloud_id_1' => array(
                'vk' => array(
                    'vk_id_1' => array(
            'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
            'order' => 'random',
            // To pin/stick an item on top of your Social Stream
            'pins' => array(
            // To remove an item from the Social Stream
            'remove' => array(

How to find social stream items' links?

Each item on social stream has a date/time in its footer area that is linked to the original post. You can copy that link to use.


To translate Social Stream to your local language:

  1. Open the social-stream/config.php file in an editor.
  2. Set the SB_LOCALE variable to your desired language that you want to create a translation for - e.g. define( 'SB_LOCALE', 'nl_NL' ); for Nederlands.
  3. Create the related file for this language (if not exist) in social-stream/language/ folder - e.g. social-stream-nl_NL.php and open in an editor.
  4. Upload the generated social-stream-xx_XX.php file from your computer into social-stream/language/ folder on your website using an FTP client.
$_['tags'] = "Tags";
$_['posted'] = "Gepost";
$_['show_all'] = "Toon Alles";
$_['comments'] = "reacties";
$_['likes'] = "ik-leuks";
$_['load_more'] = "Laad meer";
$_['a_long_while_ago'] = "een lange tijd geleden";
$_['over_2_years_ago'] = "Meer dan 2 jaar";
$_['over_a_year_ago'] = "meer dan een jaar geleden";
$_['about_a_year_ago'] = "een jaar geleden";
$_['d_months_ago'] = "%d maanden geleden";
$_['last_month'] = "vorige maand";
$_['3_weeks_ago'] = "3 weken geleden";
$_['2_weeks_ago'] = "2 weken geleden";
$_['last_week'] = "vorige week";
$_['d_days_ago'] = "%d dagen geleden";
$_['yesterday'] = "gisteren";
$_['d_hours_ago'] = "%d uur geleden";
$_['an_hour_ago'] = "een uur geleden";
$_['d_minutes_ago'] = "%d minuten geleden";
$_['just_now'] = "zojuist";
$_['read_more'] = 'lees meer (+)';
$_['read_less'] = 'lees minder (-)';
$_['timeline_photos'] = 'Tijdlijn foto`s';
$_['added_photos'] = 'toegevoegde foto`s';
$_['shared_story'] = 'gedeelde verhaal';
$_['created_note'] = 'Maak notitie';
$_['mobile_status_update'] = 'Mobile status update';
$_['added_video'] = 'Toegevoegd video';
$_['wall_post'] = 'prikbordbericht';
$_['created_event'] = 'Gemaakt evenement';
$_['show_comments'] = 'Opmerkingen weergeven';
$_['retweeted'] = 'geretweet';
$_['search'] = 'Zoeken...';
$_['search_stream'] = 'Zoeken in sociale stream';


There is no feed to show!

This message is usually caused for one of the following reasons:

  1. You have not declared any social network ID in your social_stream() function parameters. Read about Social Stream Options.
  2. API Credentials setup is not correctly set or is not valid. Read this topic for details about API Credentials setup.
  3. Your website can not access the social API server for any reason.

After fixing the problem, try cleaning the cache files in the social-stream/cache/ directory.

The social_stream() function appears as a simple text on the website instead of a Social Stream

If you see the social_stream() function appears in your website as a text instead of a Social Stream, it is caused for one of the following reasons:

  1. PHP language interpreter is not installed on your website's server.
  2. You have saved your document with an unknown extension for PHP or PHP can not interpret your code.

The Social Stream is working but, some networks do not appear in social stream

  1. Network account is new and there isn't anything found in its feed or there is no public activity to show on the public feed.
  2. Something is incorrectly cached. Try cleaning the cache from social-stream/cache/ directory.

Facebook feed is not showing

There could be one the following reasons that your Facebook feed may not work:

  1. Make sure that you have set up your Facebook API Credentials correctly. Read this topic for details about Facebook API Credentials configuration.
  2. Your Facebook page, personal account ID or Username or album ID is incorrect. Read this topic on how to find your Facebook IDs.
  3. Your Facebook settings restrict the user that may view your page. You have to remove any age/profanity restrictions from your Facebook page.

Twitter feed is not showing

  1. Make sure that you have set up your Twitter API Credentials correctly. Read this topic for details about Twitter API Credentials configuration.
  2. If your Twitter API credentials is valid, this may be due to the Twitter API limits that is 180 calls per 15 minutes.

Tweets older than a week for a hashtag or search term does not display on my social board

Unfortunately, this is Twitter API limitations for hashtags or any search that is made via its API platform and we can't change this rule. The Search API is not complete index of all Tweets, but instead an index of recent Tweets.
Please check Twitter Search API Documentation for your reference.

Instagram feed is not showing

  1. Instagram ID is incorrect.
  2. Your website server may be banned on Instagram. Please contact our support desk.

Why do I need to create API credentials?

Without creating apps and adding API tokens and keys, your website will not be able to connect to the Social Networking servers. The token authentication makes a secure channel via Social Network server and your website to get the permission to access your social profile and fetch your social feed.

How many sites can I use PHP Social Stream on?

You need to purchase one license for each site you want to use PHP Social Stream on.
1 site = 1 license, 2 sites = 2 licenses, 3 sites = 3 licenses and so on.
It doesn’t matter if they are all in use by the same company, on the same server, by the same developer, etc. The license terms are single use – one license per site.

Is there a developer/multi-use license for this pruduct?

Currently, the only option is to purchase an individual Regular License for each site on which PHP Social Stream will be used.
The CodeCanyon standard (Regular/Extended) licenses both are only for individual (single) usage. The only difference is about to charge or not to charge the end customer.
We can not also provide you with a developer/multi-use license directly as we have an exclusivity agreement with CodeCanyon that means, we can only distribute our products through them.
At this time, for every WordPress site that you have PHP Social Stream activated on, you need to purchase an individual Regular or Extended License. 1 site = 1 license, 2 sites = 2 licenses, 3 sites = 3 licenses, etc.

For more information please read this article:

Where Is My Purchase Code?

  1. Log into your Envato Market account.
  2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen and click.
  3. Click ‘Downloads’ from the user menu items according to the picture.
  4. Click the ‘Download’ green button and 3. click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file) from the drop down list.

Below is an example of a PDF License certificate and purchase code.


Design & Development:

PHP Social Stream Script - Created By Axent Media - CodeCanyon license.

Third Parties

Server-Side Scripting
OAuth for Twitter's REST API - Created by Abraham Williams.

Client-Side Scripting
jQuery - Released under the terms of the MIT license.
Isotope - Copyright 2016 Metafizzy - Commercial license included.
Timeline Drop - by
JQuery Advanced News Ticker - Created by Valentin Ledrapier - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
Font Awesome - by @davegandy - Licensed under MIT
Colorbox - by Jack Moore - Licensed under MIT
lightslider - by Sachin N - Licensed MIT
Lazy Load - by Mika Tuupola - MIT license.
Special scroll events for jQuery - by James Padolsey.
jQuery Expander - by Karl Swedberg - Licensed MIT.


                Version 2.10.0 - 08.04.2022
                - Facebook connection using Our App is back.
                - License settings page added to the setup panel.
                - TikTok feed support added.

                Version 2.9.11 - 23.02.2022
                - Instagram location feed option removed.
                - Instagram full media information feature removed.
                - Instagram Login connection obsoleted and removed.
                - Facebook and Instagram connection using Our App temporarily removed.
                - Facebook comments error #200 Missing Permissions fixed.
                - Facebook connect by access token feature added.
                Version 2.9.10 - 09.11.2021
                - Hero carousel layout displaying problem fixed.
                - Fixing the Instagram load more problem on personal API.
                - Auto-saving the social API setting after user redirection in setup panel.
                Version 2.9.9 - 29.09.2021
                - VK API updated problem fixed.
                - Facebook connect by access token feature added.
                - Fixing the image proxy signature problem.
                Version 2.9.8 - 01.09.2021
                - Some code structure quality fixes.
                - Facebook API updated to the latest version.
                - Instagram API updated to the latest version.
                - Twitter hashtag linking issue fixed.
                Version 2.9.7 - 23.04.2021
                - Fixing the Instagram hashtag feed problem.
                Version 2.9.6 - 12.04.2021
                - Twitter API credentials suspended app problem fixed.
                - Adding alt tag to comments and likes profile images.
                - Fixing the Facebook link posts displaying problem.
                - Facebook status type removed.
                - Fixing show more button issue.
                - Fixing Instagram feed after parameter problem.
                Version 2.9.5 - 02.04.2021
                - Fixing the default filtering problem in Masonry layout.
                - Instagram personal display API access token automatic refresh added.
                - Add disable option for Show More feature.
                - Stream Auto Refresh feature removed.
                - Instagram business API added.
                - New Instagram library added.
                - Stream layout Hero added.
                Version 2.9.2 - 27.11.2020
                - Fixing the carousel images lazy loading problem.
                - Fixing the carousel items alt tag and some styling issues.
                - Fixing the timeline layout load more images loading issue.
                - Handling the Instagram official API and SoundCloud errors.
                - Fixed the Instagram official API feed cache problem.
                Version 2.9.1 - 23.11.2020
                - Making some changes in custom result limiting feature.
                - Clear cache button added into admin panel.
                - Displaying only existing languages in admin panel.
                - Added new Grid and Carousel layouts.
                Version 2.9.0 - 02.11.2020
                - Fixed the SoundCloud user feed problem.
                - Instagram API official connection bringed back with latest changes.
Version 2.8.9 - 12.07.2020
  • Feed custom result limiting feature added.
  • Facebook user feed support added as a separate option.
Version 2.8.8 - 12.07.2020
  • Feed loading issues due to Instagram API changes fixed.
Version 2.8.7 - 18.06.2020
  • Fixing the Instagram API change 'Response code is 200' problem.
  • VK Search Term/Hashtag feed added.
  • Fixing the display of Facebook user feed.
  • Adding scroll bar to rotating feed mode.
Version 2.8.6 - 30.05.2020
  • Latest problem of loading some Facebook images on Safari due to API change has been fixed.
  • Latest problem of displaying of user information on Facebook items has been fixed.
  • Fixing the Instagram API change 'Media with this code does not exist' problem.
  • Fixing the double url in links occured after release 3.7.10.
  • Instagram login error handling problem fixed.
  • Fixing the links when getting Facebook video feed.
  • Instagram and YouTube Ajax comments loading problem fixed.
  • Allowing lang and locale parameters in Twitter search feed.
  • Fixing the Instagram hashtag feed item description problem.
  • Fixing the CacheManager multi instanced drivers error.
  • Fixing the filtering problem while there are two streams on the same page.
  • Fixing the "This content isn't available right now" problem on Facebook.
  • Instagram profile information display problem fixed.
  • Instagram official API v1 credentials setup removed of the script.
Version 2.8.5 - 29.01.2020
  • Allowing Instagram to get more than 50 items in each request.
  • Instagram original media urls added to the output data.
  • Instagram library required PHP version downgraded to 5.6.x.
Version 2.8.4 - 30.12.2019
  • Instagram getting feed by location ID problem fixed.
  • Instagram getting feed by geographical location removed.
  • Instagram login information setup added.
Version 2.8.3 - 13.12.2019
  • WCAG 2.1 HTML compatibility errors fixed.
  • Instagram IP banned restriction problem resolved.
  • Fixing the duplicate user info on items when getting Instagram hashtag feed.
  • Feature to have stream cached items listed by date is ascending order.
Version 2.8.2 - 24.10.2019
  • jQuery.noConflict option added to avoid global definition of the library.
  • Setup password encrypted.
  • Making sharing buttons responsive.
  • Facebook own app connection problem fixed.
  • Instagram lacking user info problem fixed.
  • StumbleUpon removed of the script.
Version 2.8.1 - 04.10.2019
  • Setup multiple Facebook pages listing problem fixed.
  • Tabable layout feed loading problem fixed.
Version 2.8.0 - 26.09.2019
  • Setup administration panel added.
  • Facebook problem with API v4 fixed.
  • Instagram access token tool public_content permission problem fixed.
  • Instagram multi account authentication feature added.
  • Facebook multi account authentication feature added.
  • Google+ share button replaced with Pinterest button.
  • LinkedIn API upgraded to v2 but, your app must have access to Marketing Developer Platform and get reviewed and approved by LinkedIn for the 'r_organization_social' permission.
  • Instagram proxy setting authentication problem fixed.
  • Flickr Photoset/Album feed support added.
Version 2.7.1 - 11.05.2019
  • Added a feature to convert Facebook shared links to embedded item.
  • Displaying the Twitter embed links with a custom style.
Version 2.7.0 - 17.03.2019
  • API proxy setup setting added.
  • Twitter embedding connection refused error handled.
  • Google+ API deprecated and removed from the script.
Version 2.6.9 - 02.03.2019
  • Fixing the images lazy loading problem which was occurred after v2.6.3.
  • Feature to disable images lazy loading on the social stream.
  • Added the sb-img class to all image tags on social stream.
  • Fixed the 'call stack size exceeded' issue on wall filtering.
  • The problem of wall relayouting while doing load more fixed.
  • Adding meta data to carousel items.
Version 2.6.8 - 30.01.2019
  • Fixing the name problem in Facebook API request.
  • Fixing the problem of displaying Instagram user info on items.
  • Fixing the load more problem of Instagram user items.
Version 2.6.7 - 14.01.2019
  • Added a feature to convert shared links on Twitter to Embed codes.
  • Facebook hashtags and users linking added.
  • Instagram new comments API deprecation problem fixed.
Version 2.6.6 - 18.12.2018
  • Instagram hashtag feed API deprecated and replaced with a new solution.
  • Feature to get other Instagram user public feeds without an access token.
Version 2.6.5 - 22.09.2018
  • Instagram multi-account feed access token reading problem fixed.
Version 2.6.4 - 10.08.2018
  • Relocating the custom layouts folder.
  • Instagram private posts light-box video problem fixed.
  • The problem of extra items more than limit in some cases fixed.
  • Allowing to redefine SB_PATH variable in global scope using $GLOBALS['SB_PATH'] instead.
  • Carousel problem with jQuery v3 has been fixed.
Version 2.6.3 - 10.07.2018
  • Facebook Graph API v3.0 updated and it will no longer display Facebook user info for private profiles.
  • Facebook's cover photo title problem has been fixed.
  • Facebook Group Feed deprecated.
  • Image cache proxy 404 not found problem fixed.
  • LinkedIn datetime problem on timeline fixed.
  • Facebook comments & likes count display problem fixed.
  • Facebook link post title to the original resource which is shared.
  • Instagram and YouTube show comments feature added.
  • Auto trigger show comments in lightbox slideshow mode.
  • Page scroll lazy load problem fixed.
  • Updated jQuery to v3.3.1.
  • Load media over https set to true by default
Version 2.6.2 - 10.04.2018
  • Twitter search API 140 characters limit and image displaying problem has been fixed.
  • Instagram user public feed deprecated problem fixed.
Version 2.6.1 - 11.03.2018
  • Problem of displaying wrong video URL on some Facebook shared items has been fixed.
  • Trimming the RSS data to fix reading by XML parser.
  • Facebook comment bank comment images removed.
Version 2.6.0 - 13.11.2017
  • Ads management feature added.
  • Twitter API library has been updated.
  • Problem in displaying the tweets images when using the hashtag search has been fixed.
  • Wall twitching problem on IE and some other browsers has been fixed.
  • Facebook image resize on demand problem has been fixed.
  • Facebook localization problem has been fixed.
  • Problem with pinned items when, stream auto update is enabled has been fixed.
  • Carousel display problem with text only posts in Default and Flat layouts has been fixed.
  • Facebook Graph API updated to v2.10.
  • Facebook total likes and comments display added.
  • Turkish language translation added.
  • A responsive problem in lightbox slideshow has been fixed.
  • Lazy load problem when multiple walls are on a page, has been fixed.
  • SoundCloud API updated.
  • SoundCloud tracks' artworks iamge size fixed.
  • Option to re-layout wall based on page scroll or images load.
  • VK API updated and access token setup is required.
  • Facebook multi-share images problem fixed.
  • The problem of opening videos in system inbuilt player instead of lightbox on IE and Safari has been fixed.
  • Custom filtering tabs feature added.
  • Moving the custom layouts folder to the out of the script directory to avoid deleting the layout files after script updates.
  • Fixing a problem with showing the links in tweets body.
  • Problem of not displaying more RSS feed items on load more has been fixed.
  • Added the feature to disable specific filtering buttons.
Version 2.5.3 - 15.11.2016
  • W3 Markup Validation passed for stream HTML contents.
  • Gutter X size issue fixed, when set to less than 10 it was displaying post in full width.
  • Twitter unknown video lightbox problem fixed.
  • Twitter videos problem when using hashtags with search API fixed.
  • Pinterest feed problem fixed.
  • Problem with decimal separator in setlocale has been fixed.
  • Notice errors while no twitter search terms result exist resolved.
Version 2.5 - 05.06.2016
  • Problem with pinned & remove items fixed.
  • Duplicate items problem from tag feeds fixed.
  • Load more problem fixed for Facebook album/page photos and page videos.
  • An issue with reading RSS media content tag fixed.
  • Added jQuery v1.12.4 to the project.
  • Images lazy load problem with jQuery 1.12.x fixed.
  • Problem with loading images on first page load has been fixed.
  • Problem with hidding images on auto stream update has been fixed.
  • CSS & JS files combined for each display mode.
  • The feature to define the number of columns shwoing on each row for different viewport sizes on wall layout.
  • Duplicate Instagram items problem on load more fixed.
  • Video lightbox support added for Twitter.
Version 2.0 - 06.02.2016
  • Opening all images in a lightbox window.
  • Profile thumbnail added in Modern layout.
  • RSS feed first image added to the item as thumbnail.
  • Scroll bars removed from lightbox window.
  • The gap that appearing at the board footer on wall filtering fixed.
  • Pinterest board problem fixed.
  • Auto-resize responsive lightbox window.
  • Feature to display Social Board items as lightbox slideshow.
  • Loading icon added on images.
  • CSS files compressed.
  • LinkedIn and Vine networks added.
  • A new theme/layout named Metro is added.
  • Tumblr lightbox video support added.
  • Vine item output upgraded.
  • Added an option to define, how to display the image for each item.
  • Added an option to allow loading images over https
  • Vimeo upgraded to the latest API with paging.
  • Some CSS styling fixes.
Version 1.3 - 22.10.2015
  • Facebook tiny images' problem fixed.
  • Facebook the latest updates, Profile Unavailable problem fixed.
  • The problem of Opening video in a lightbox window for sticky Ajax Tabbed widget fixed.
  • Profile thumbnail linked to profile page in Modern2 layout.
  • The exclusion of retweets problem in Twitter lists and search feeds fixed.
  • Duplicate items problem fixed in Load More action.
  • Social API connection timeout option added and increased to solve the problem on low process servers.
Version 1.2 - 20.09.2015
  • Vimeo video loading problem fixed.
  • Social Stream manipulation problem fixed.
  • Flickr upgraded to the latest API.
  • Load more items added for Flickr.
  • Added video opening in iframe for Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo and Google+.
  • Video icon overlay added on board video items.
  • Tumblr upgraded to the latest API v2.
Version 1.1 - 04.08.2015
  • Facebook API version 2.4 upgrades, some problems fixed.
  • YouTube videos feed by channel ID added.
  • VK network user or community wall feed by owner ID added.
  • Carousel feed theme display options wasn't working.
  • The ability to remove the block radius border.
  • Loading problem on IE browser fixed.
Version 1.0 - 10.07.2015
  • First release.