Integrating PHP Social Stream into Laravel 5
1. Copy the “social-stream” folder into your Laravel project public folder (~/public) where your images, css, fonts or any public contents are stored.
2. Create a view file named “socialstream.php” in the views directory (~/resources/views) and put your social_stream() integration code in it. Example:
echo social_stream(
'id' => '1',
'type' => 'wall',
'network' => array(
'facebook' => array(
'facebook_id_1' => array(
'80655071208' // Replace with your Facebook page ID
'facebook_pagefeed' => 'posts'
'instagram' => array(
'instagram_id_1' => array(
'katyperry' // Replace with your Instagram username
'theme' => 'sb-modern-light',
'itemwidth' => 250,
'results' => 30,
'iframe' => 'media',
'breakpoints' => array('4', '4', '3', '3', '2', '1', '1'), // Number of items (columns) shwoing on each row for different viewport sizes
'debuglog' => 1,
'add_files' => true
3. Create a controller file named “SocialStreamController.php” in the controllers directory (~/app/Http/Controllers) and bind the code to your view using the following commands.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SocialStreamController extends Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index()
include(public_path() . '/social-stream/social-stream.php');
return view('socialstream');
4. Add the following lines into your Laravel project routes file (~/routes/web.php) to tell the application to run the conntrolller SocialStream when the path “/socialstream” is requested.
Route::get('/socialstream', 'SocialStreamController@index');
5. Now your Social Stream Page is ready. Just request it by your browser from “/socialstream” or “http://localhost/your-project/public/socialstream”.
6. Finish.
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